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Issue Title
Vol 20: Supplement A Bioinformatics Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP) for Human and Capital Development in South Africa Abstract   HTML   PDF
Judit Kumuthini, Emile Chimusa, Velaphi Masilela
Vol 17: Supplement B Abstract   PDF
Athanasia Pavlopoulou, Sophia Kossida
Vol 19: Supplement A Biologist-friendly analysis software for NGS data Abstract   PDF
Aleksi Kallio, Taavi Hupponen, Massimiliano Gentile, Jarno Tuimala, Kimmo Mattila, Ari-Matti Saren, Petri Klemelä, Ilari Scheinin, Eija Korpelainen
Vol 18: Supplement B Biomedical Text Mining for Disease Gene Discovery Abstract   PDF
Sarah ElShal, Jesse Davis, Yves Moreau
Vol 18: Supplement B BioQuery-ASP: querying biomedical databases and ontologies using answer set programming Abstract   PDF
Esra Erdem, Umut Oztok
Vol 17, No 2 BioVeL: Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory Abstract   HTML   PDF
Saverio Vicario, Alex Hardisty, Niobe Haitas
Vol 20 BiP-Day 2013: “Prima Giornata della Bioinformatica Pugliese” – Workshop report Abstract   HTML   PDF
Domenica D'Elia, Sabino Liuni
Vol 18: Supplement B BITS Introduction Abstract   HTML   PDF
Paolo DM Romano
Vol 18: Supplement A Building an optimized pipeline for whole-exome sequencing Abstract   PDF
M D'Antonio, P D'Onorio De Meo, B Elmi, N Sanna, G Pesole, T Castrignanò
Vol 18: Supplement B Business intelligence for biopharmaceutical company Abstract   PDF
Anass El Haddadi, Bernard Dousser
Vol 17: Supplement A CCSIS specialist EMBnet node: AGM2011 report Abstract   HTML   PDF
Alex Patak
Vol 21 CexoR: an R/Bioconductor package to uncover high-resolution protein-DNA interactions in ChIP-exo replicates Abstract   HTML   PDF
Pedro Madrigal
Vol 19: Supplement A Challenges in whole exome sequencing to identify disease-causing variants in human rare diseases Abstract   PDF
Javier Santoyo Lopez
Vol 17: Supplement A Chinese EMBnet node: AGM2011 report Abstract   HTML   PDF
Jingchu Luo
Vol 18: Supplement B Chromosome instability for tumor progression inference Abstract   PDF
Claudia Cava, Italo Zoppis, Manuela Gariboldi, James F. Reid, Marco Antoniotti, Giancarlo Mauri
Vol 26: Supplement A Climate mitigation. Is it possible via DSS for agriculture? A case study: Reducing the Environmental Footprint of cotton cultivation Details   HTML   PDF   VIDEO
Dimitrios Leonidakis, Nikolaos Katsenios, Panagiotis Sparangis, Christoforos Nikitas Kasimatis, Dimitrios Vlachakis, Aspasia Efthimiadou
Vol 18: Supplement B Clinical and genomic data integration in support of biomedical research and clinical practice Abstract   PDF
Eric Neumann
Vol 20: Supplement A Coding & Best Practice in Programming: Why it matters so much in the NGS era Abstract   HTML   PDF
Lex Nederbragt
Vol 17, No 1: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Command line analysis of ChIP-seq results Abstract   HTML   PDF
Endre Barta
Vol 19: Supplement A Comparison of oligonucleotide microarray and RNA-seq technologies in the context of gene expression analysis Abstract   PDF
Nicolas Sierro, Florian Martin, Carine Poussin, Julia Hoeng, Nikolai V. Ivanov
Vol 19: Supplement A Comparison of variant calling methods in exome sequencing of matched tumor-normal sample pairs Abstract   PDF
Sara Monzon, Javier Alonso, Gonzalo Gómez, David Gonzalez-Pisano, Isabel Cuesta
Vol 19: Supplement A Comprehensive evaluation of differential expression analysis methods for RNA-seq data Abstract
Franck Rapaport, Raya Khanin, Yupu Liang, Azra Krek, Paul Zumbo, Christopher E Mason, Nicholas D Socci, Doron Betel
Vol 18: Supplement A Computational and experimental characterization of critical amino acidic residues in the BCR-ABL kinase domain explaining TKIS resistance in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia Abstract   PDF
C Romano, P Buffa, A Pandini, M Massimino, E Tirrò, L Manzella, F Fraternali, P Vigneri
Vol 19: Supplement A Computational cleaning of noisy 5' end tag sequencing data sets from rare in vivo cells Abstract   PDF
Johannes Eichler Waage, Ilka Hoof, Jette Bornholdt, Esben Pedersen, Mette Jørgesen, Kim Theilgaard, Cord Brakebusch, Bo Porse, Albin Sandelin
Vol 18: Supplement A Computer modeling of human delta opioid receptor Abstract   PDF
F Sapundzhi, T Dzimbova, N Pencheva, P Milanov
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