
Issue Title
Vol 15, No 2 BBMRI - The Pan-European research infrastructure for Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources: managing resources for the future of biomedical research Abstract  HTML  PDF screen  PDF print
Heli Salminen-Mankonen, Jan-Eric Litton, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Kurt Zatloukal, Eero Vuorio
Vol 15, No 2 EATRIS - Infrastructure bridges Basic Research and Medical Innovation Abstract  HTML  PDF screen  PDF print
Regina Becker, Rudi Balling
Vol 15, No 2 ECRIN - Integrating clinical research in Europe: the European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network Abstract  HTML  PDF screen  PDF print
Jacques Demotes-Mainard, Roxane Brachet, Christine Kubiak
Vol 15, No 2 ELIXIR - Data for Life: from information to the Medicines and Bio-industries of the Future Abstract  HTML  PDF screen  PDF print
Andrew Lyall
Vol 15, No 2 INSTRUCT - an Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe Abstract  HTML  PDF screen  PDF print
Rosemary Wilson, Claudia Alen Amaro, Susan Daenke, David Stuart
Vol 15, No 2 Infrafrontier - Mouse models and phenotyping data for the European biomedical research community Abstract  HTML  PDF screen  PDF print
Michael Raess, Martin Hrabé de Angelis
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