They all have approval levitra bula from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and they have the same function, but there are some differences between them.
It is important to understand these levitra bula differences in order to make the best choice about which to choose.
Viagra is the brand name for the drug sildenafil, Cialis is the brand name for tadalafil, Levitra is the brand name for vardenafil, and Stendra is the brand name for avanafil.
The drugs all work in a similar way.
They are all PDE5 inhibitors. This means they help to relax the muscles and increase blood flow to the body.
This makes it easier for blood to get into the penis, and it allows people with erectile dysfunction levitra bula (ED) to experience a lasting erection during sexual activity.
The drugs act relatively quickly. Manufacturers of PDE5 inhibitors recommend taking the pill at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before sexual stimulation levitra bula , but the timing depends on the drug.
How long the effect of each drug lasts is one of the key differences between them:
Share on PinterestPeople who may have a weak heart should avoid Levitra.
Re: levitra bula marilia
by Lara ANDRADE (26-Nov-2019)
They all have approval levitra bula from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and they have the same function, but there are some differences between them.
It is important to understand these levitra bula differences in order to make the best choice about which to choose.
Viagra is the brand name for the drug sildenafil, Cialis is the brand name for tadalafil, Levitra is the brand name for vardenafil, and Stendra is the brand name for avanafil.
The drugs all work in a similar way.
They are all PDE5 inhibitors. This means they help to relax the muscles and increase blood flow to the body.
This makes it easier for blood to get into the penis, and it allows people with erectile dysfunction levitra bula (ED) to experience a lasting erection during sexual activity.
The drugs act relatively quickly. Manufacturers of PDE5 inhibitors recommend taking the pill at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before sexual stimulation levitra bula , but the timing depends on the drug.
How long the effect of each drug lasts is one of the key differences between them:
LevitraShare on PinterestPeople who may have a weak heart should avoid Levitra.
The side effects of Levitra include: