Lessons learned from implementing a national infrastructure in Sweden for storage and analysis of next-generation sequencing data

Martin Dahlö


As sequencing get cheaper more and more researchers turn to this technology for answers to their questions. The large amounts of generated data will have to be stored somewhere, and the tools to analyse it will have to be updated constantly. UPPNEX tries to solve these problems through high performance computing, large scale and high availability storage, an extensive bioinformatics software suite, up-to-date reference genomes and annotations and a support function with systems and application experts. The software maintained on the computers are mostly the popular open source applications used by the international bioinformatics community, and comprises functions such as alignment, de novo assembly, SNP calling, methylation and RNAseq analysis.

There are over 300 separate projects at UPPNEX which all belong to different research projects, such as the sequencing of the flycatcher and Norwegian spruce.

The focus of the poster is on the technical and organizational implementations at UPPNEX to handle its task.


hpc; infrastructure; computations; bioinformatics; cluster computer; computer centre

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14806/ej.19.A.651


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