
Issue Title
Vol 29 Ds-Seq: an integrated pipeline for in silico small RNA sequence analysis for host-pathogen interaction studies Abstract  HTML  PDF
Temitayo Adebanji Olagunju, Angela Uche Makolo, Andreas Gisel
Vol 18, No 1 EMBnet at ISCB - South America Abstract  HTML  PDF
Andreas Gisel, Jose Ramon Valverde, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Vol 19: Supplement A The Next NGS Challenge Conference: Data Processing and Integration Abstract  PDF
Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Teresa K Attwood, Ana Conesa, Andreas Gisel, Burkhard Rost
Vol 20: Supplement A Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia Causative Agent: its Sequencing, Assembly and Annotation Abstract  HTML  PDF
Hadrien Gourlé
Vol 17, No 1: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Command line analysis of ChIP-seq results Abstract  HTML  PDF
Endre Barta
Vol 19, No 1 ‘Next NGS Challenge – Data Processing and Integration’ Conference – Conference report. Abstract  HTML  PDF
Ana Conesa, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Vol 19: Supplement A Ion Torrent sequencing and pipeline assembly of the first genome sequence of a mesophilic syntrophic acetate oxidizing bacterium (SAOB) Abstract  PDF
Shahid Manzoor, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Anna Schnürer, Bettina Müller
Vol 19: Supplement A Scripting for large-scale sequencing based on Hadoop Abstract  PDF
André Schumacher, Luca Pireddu, Aleksi Kallio, Matti Niemenmaa, Eija Korpelainen, Gianluigi Zanetti, Keijo Heljanko
Vol 19: Supplement A Supporting NGS pipelines in the cloud Abstract  PDF
Ignacio Blanquer Blanquer, Goetz Brasche, Jacek Cala, Fabrizio Gagliardi, Dennis Gannon, Hugo Hiden, Hakan Soncu, Kenji Takeda, Andrés Tomás, Simon Woodman
Vol 19: Supplement A Automated and traceable processing for large-scale high-throughput sequencing facilities Abstract  PDF
Luca Pireddu, Gianmauro Cuccuru, Luca Lianas, Matteo Vocale, Giorgio Fotia, Gianluigi Zanetti
Vol 19: Supplement A Deep sequencing exposes small RNA transcriptome differences between low- and high-temperature stress responses in Arabidopsis Abstract  PDF
Vesselin Baev, Ivan Milev, Mladen Naydenov, Tihomir Vachev, Elena Apostolova, Nikolay Mehterov, Mariana Gozmanova, Ivan Minkov, Galina Yahubyan
Vol 24 Training workshop on Mycobacterium whole genome sequence data analysis Abstract  HTML  PDF
Yonas Kassahun Hirutu, Mesert D Bayeleygne, Adey F Desta, Tewodros Tariku, Markos Abebe
Vol 19: Supplement B Describing the genes social networks relying on chromosome conformation capture data Abstract  HTML  PDF
Ivan Merelli, Pietro Liò, Luciano Milanesi
Vol 17: Supplement B COST Action BM 1006 (SeqAhead): MC BUSINESS MEETING AND SCIENTIFIC MEETING Abstract  HTML  PDF
Andreas Gisel, Teresa Attwood, Jacques van Helden, Jose R Valverde, Ana Conesa, Ralf Herwig, Eija Korpelainen, Veli Mäkinen, Steve Pettifer, Alberto Policriti, Thomas Svensson, Gert Vriend, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
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