
Issue Title
Vol 18: Supplement A The Bioinformatics Italian Society Abstract  HTML  PDF
Manuela Helmer-Citterich, Paolo Romano
Vol 18: Supplement A Preface - BITS 2012: Ninth Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society Abstract  HTML  PDF
Alfredo Ferro, Rosalba Giugno, Alfredo Pulvirenti, Domenica D'Elia, Manuela Helmer-Citterich, Paolo Romano
Vol 18: Supplement A New metaheuristics approaches for biclustering of gene expression Data Abstract  PDF
F Musacchia, A Marabotti, A Facchiano, L Milanesi, P. Festa
Vol 18: Supplement A AnnotateGenomicRegions: a Web application Abstract  PDF
L Zammataro, G Bucci, H Muller
Vol 18: Supplement A Truncated SVD best rank choice through ROC curves for genomic annotation prediction Abstract  PDF
D Chicco, M Masseroli
Vol 18: Supplement A De novo detection of A-To-I RNA editing sites in human mRNAs by massive transcriptome sequencing Abstract  PDF
E Picardi, A Gallo, S Raho, F Galeano, G Pesole
Vol 18: Supplement A Analysis workflow for the identification allelic variants associated with rare disorders using whole genome sequencing approach Abstract  PDF
V Maselli, D Cittaro, E Stupka
Vol 18: Supplement A Renato Dulbecco: genes, cancer and epigenomics Abstract  PDF
Ileana Zucchi
Vol 18: Supplement A On bioimage informatics and decoding genomes Abstract  PDF
Eugene W. Myers
Vol 18: Supplement A Identification of gene annotations and interactions and protein-protein interaction associated disorders through data integration Abstract  PDF
A Canakoglu, P Gangi, S Gennaro, M Masseroli
Vol 18: Supplement A miRandola: extracellular circulating microRNAs database Abstract  PDF
F Russo, S Di Bella, G Nigita, V Macca, A Laganà, R Giugno, A Pulvirenti, A Ferro
Vol 18: Supplement A A novel biclustering algorithm for the discovery of meaningful biological correlations between miRNAs and mRNAs Abstract  PDF
G Pio, M Ceci, D D'Elia, C Loglisci, D Malerba
Vol 18: Supplement A NumtS footsteps from the past: an interbreed between eukaryotic nucleus and the mitochondrion Abstract  PDF
FM Calabrese, DL Balacco, D Simone, M Attimonelli
Vol 18: Supplement A VIRES: visualization and identification of A-to-I RNA editing sites in genomic sequences Abstract  PDF
R Distefano, G Nigita, V Macca, R Giugno, A Pulvirenti, A Ferro
Vol 18: Supplement A Topological analysis of co-expression networks in neoplastic tissues Abstract  PDF
R Anglani, TM Creanza, VC Liuzzi, PF Stifanelli, R Maglietta, A Piepoli, S Mukherjee, FP Schena, N Ancona
Vol 18: Supplement A Micro-Analyzer: a tool for automatic pre-processing of multiple Affymetrix arrays Abstract  PDF
PH Guzzi, M Cannataro
Vol 18: Supplement A Integrated analysis of epigenetic and transcriptional circuits in gliomagenesis Abstract  PDF
G Bucci, E Signaroldi, P Laise, P-L Germain, L Zammataro, H Muller, G Testa
Vol 18: Supplement A SARMA: a web resource for species assignment of high-throughput sequencing reads from metagenomics analysis Abstract  PDF
M D'Antonio, D Paoletti, M Santamaria, T Castrignanò, G Pesole
Vol 18: Supplement A SpliceAid-F: a database of human splicing factors and their RNA binding sites Abstract  PDF
M Giulietti, F Piva, M D'Antonio, P D'Onorio De Meo, T Castrignanò, G Pavesi, G Pesole
Vol 18: Supplement A miRNA-mRNA integrated pathway analysis: an application to colorectal cancer Abstract  PDF
TM Creanza, R Maglietta, VC Liuzzi, R Anglani, PF Stifanelli, A Piepoli, S Mukherjee, FP Schena, N Ancona
Vol 18: Supplement A IGI grid services for the bioinformatics community Abstract  PDF
L Gaido, M Bencivenni, D Cesini, G Donvito, P Veronesi
Vol 18: Supplement A The role of transposable elements in shaping the combinatorial interaction of transcription factors Abstract  PDF
A Testori, L Caizzi, S Cutrupi, O Friard, M De Bortoli, D Corà, M Caselle
Vol 18: Supplement A Statistical inference in high dimensional spaces of genomics: an RNA structural example Abstract  PDF
Charles E. Lawrence
Vol 18: Supplement A mentha: the interactome browser Abstract  PDF
A Calderone, G Cesareni
Vol 18: Supplement A FERMI: the most powerful computational resource for Italian scientists Abstract  PDF
F Falciano, E Rossi
1 - 25 of 59 Items 1 2 3 > >> 

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