
Issue Title
Vol 21: Supplement A COST Action BM1006 (SeqAhead) closing conference "Next Generation Sequencing: a look into the future” Abstract  HTML  PDF
Lubos Klucar, Teresa K. Attwood, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Vol 17: Supplement B A combinatorial and integrated method to analyse RNA-seq reads Abstract  PDF
Nicolas Philippe, Mikael Salson, Therese Commes, Eric Rivals
Vol 17, No 1: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis SEQAHEAD - COST Action BM1006: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Network Abstract  HTML  PDF
Teresa Attwood, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Andreas Gisel
Vol 17: Supplement B Bioinformatics developments for NGS data analysis at PRABI Abstract  PDF
Franck Picard, Guy Perrière
Vol 17: Supplement B RSAT peak-motifs: fast extraction of transcription factor binding motifs from full-size ChIP-seq datasets Abstract  PDF
Morgane Thomas-Chollier, Matthieu Defrance, Olivier Sand, Carl Herrmann, Denis Thieffry, Jacques van Helden
Vol 17: Supplement B The Vital-IT HPC and the Swiss-Prot group Abstract  PDF
Laurent Falquet
Vol 17: Supplement B The Norwegian Sequencing Centre (NSC) Abstract  PDF
Robert Lyle, Tim Hughes, Dag Undlien, Kjetill Jakobsen
Vol 17: Supplement B Exploration of environmental metagenomes and metatranscriptomes: current possibilities and limitations in data analysis Abstract  PDF
Petr Baldrian
Vol 17: Supplement B Algorithm for error detection in metagonomics NGS data Abstract  PDF
Dimitar Vassilev, Milko Krachunov, Ivan Popov, Elena Todorovska, Valeria Simeonova, Pawel Szczesny, Pawel Siedlecki, Urszula Zelenkiewicz
Vol 17: Supplement B Massive-scale RNA-Seq experiments in human genetic diseases Abstract  PDF
Valerio Costa, Marianna Aprile, Roberta Esposito, Maria Rosaria Ambrosio, Margherita Scarpato, Carmela Ziviello, Italia De Feis, Claudia Angelini, Alfredo Ciccodicola
Vol 17: Supplement B Innovation and Trends with In-Memory Technology Abstract  PDF
Matthias Steinbrecher
Vol 17: Supplement B An Integrated RNA-seq Atlas of the Murine T-Helper Cell Transcriptome Abstract  PDF
Andrew Deonarine
Vol 17: Supplement B Oncogenomics of the Hormone-responsive Breast Cancer Phenotype by NGS Abstract  PDF
Alessandro Weisz
Vol 17: Supplement B NOIseq: a RNA-seq differential expression method robust for sequencing depth biases Abstract  PDF
Sonia Tarazona, Fernando García, Alberto Ferrer, Joaquín Dopazo, Ana Conesa
Vol 17: Supplement B bcbio-nextgen: Automated, distributed next-gen sequencing pipeline Abstract  PDF
Roman Valls Guimera
Vol 17: Supplement B Power and limits of capture‐based, targeted DNA resequencing for mutation detection Abstract  PDF
Fabrice Lopez, Hélène Holota, François-Xavier Théodule, Jean Imbert
Vol 17: Supplement B Abstract  PDF
Athanasia Pavlopoulou, Sophia Kossida
Vol 17: Supplement B Statistical approaches for the analysis of RNA-Seq and ChIP-seq data and their integration Abstract  PDF
Claudia Angelini, Italia De Feis
Vol 17: Supplement B smallRNA data analysis Abstract  PDF
Angelica Tulipano, Andreas Gisel
Vol 17: Supplement B Digital gene expression data, cross-species conservation and noncoding RNA Abstract  PDF
Nicolas Philippe, Florence Ruffle, Elias Bou-Samra, Anthony Boureux, Thérèse Commes, Eric Rivals
Vol 17: Supplement B TAPYR: An efficient high-throughput sequence aligner for re-sequencing applications Abstract  PDF
Francisco Fernandes, Paulo G.S. da Fonseca, Luis M.S. Russo, Arlindo L. Oliveira, Ana T. Freitas
Vol 17: Supplement B The Seal suite of distributed software for high-throughput sequencing Abstract  PDF
Luca Pireddu, Simone Leo, Gianluigi Zanetti
Vol 17: Supplement B Epigenomic and transcriptional effects of Dnmt3b mutations in human ICF syndrome-derived B cell lines. Abstract  PDF
Sole Gatto, Claudia Angelini, Sylwia Leppert, Valentina Proserpio, Sarah Teichmann, Maurizio D’Esposito, Maria R. Matarazzo
Vol 17: Supplement B UPPNEX - A solution for Next Generation Sequencing data management and analysis Abstract  PDF
Samuel Lampa, Jonas Hagberg, Ola Spjuth
Vol 17: Supplement B EU COST Action TD0801: Statistical Challenges On The 1000 Euro Genome Sequences In Plants Abstract  PDF
Marco C.A.M. Bink, Thomas Schiex
1 - 25 of 35 Items 1 2 > >> 

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