An Active Investment Strategy for EMBnet: AGM workshop report, Oeiras, June 2015
EMBnet’s 2015 AGM and associated activities were hosted in Oeiras (PT), from 10 to 12 June. Marking the 27th formal meeting of EMBnet, the event was an opportunityto take stock and carefully consider EMBnet’s future. Earlier in the year, the Operational Board (OB) had agreed that EMBnet would benefit from active investment in specific projects to galvanise its members and drive the community forward. Accordingly, this year, the AGM activities included a full-day OB meeting as a prelude to a one-day workshopfor the new strategy to be discussed and refined, followed by the traditional business meeting, where the investment plans would be presented for formal endorsement by the Board.
The purpose of this report is to set out the background to the workshop, to explain the motivation for creating the new investment strategy, to detail its principal themes, and to summarise the workshop’s main conclusions.
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