2016 EMBnet Annual General Meeting – Executive Board Report

Domenica D'Elia, Emiliano Barreto Hernandez, Lubos Klucar, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff


During the past year, the EMBnet Executive Board (EB) had regular monthly meetings either via Skype or using Adobe Connect. These meetings were always carried out with the Interim Board (IB) composed by Teresa K. Attwood and Etienne de Villiers. The IB was indeed established during the Annual General Meeting 2015 to support the new EB to move its first steps forward the AGM 2016. The EB regularly invited also Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Chairs to participate at EB-IB meetings. Additional monthly meetings open to the full EMBnet constituency were also convened. In this report, we provide a brief overview of facts, activities and results of this last year that span from June 2015 to October 2016.



Executive Board Report; Annual General Meeting;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14806/ej.22.0.887


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