Dark Suite; a comprehensive toolbox for computer-aided drug design

Eleni Papakonstantinou, Vasileios Megalooikonomou, Dimitrios Vlachakis


Dark Suite is a complete interactive software pipeline aiming to exploit the advantages of free software and modern programming. Besides two commands (installation and opening) on the command line, the handling and the program operation is done through a user’s friendly interface. This platform has a central graphical interface which allows the user to choose in what computational tool to work. Each computational tool has an interface. Dark Suite combines the functions of other programmes to create a pipeline for high-quality secondary effects through a friendly user interface. It is made to run on GNU/Linux distributions and its interface was built using JAVA to seamlessly integrate scientific tools written in Perl, Java, R and Python.


Bioinformatics; drug design; Dark Suite

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14806/ej.25.0.928


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