EMBnet.journal 16.1.18

2010 Annual General Meeting –
E&T-PC activities report

(November 2009 – June 2010)

Chair: Matej Stano

Treasurer: Jingchu Luo

Member: Shahid Chohan

Member: Sophia Kossida

The main mission of E&T PC is to promote training and education in bioinformatics. PC’s activities were discussed during three virtual meetings (November 11th, 2009; January 7th, 2010 and April 7th, 2010). As a result, activities of the committee were aimed at publication of Quick Guides. The MySQL (Tables & Queries) Quick Guide was published and is available at EMBnet web portal. This Quick Guide was written by Awais Naseem and Nazim Rahman from Pakistan EMBnet node and reviewed and published by people from Slovak and Chinese node.


Figure 1. Bioinformatics training in Sweden.


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