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Antonio Rueda
Andalusian Human Genome Sequencing Centre (CASEGH), Medical Genome Project (MGP), Sevillia
Francisco Javier López
Andalusian Human Genome Sequencing Centre (CASEGH), Medical Genome Project (MGP), , Sevillia
Javier Pérez
Andalusian Human Genome Sequencing Centre (CASEGH), Medical Genome Project (MGP), , Sevillia
Pablo Arce
Andalusian Human Genome Sequencing Centre (CASEGH), Medical Genome Project (MGP), , Sevillia
Luis Miguel Cruz
Andalusian Human Genome Sequencing Centre (CASEGH), Medical Genome Project (MGP) , Sevillia
José Carbonell
Institute of Computational Genomics, Principe Felipe Research Centre (CIPF), Valencia
Jorge Jiménez-Almazán
Institute of Computational Genomics, Principe Felipe Research Centre (CIPF), Valencia
Enrique Vidal
Institute of Computational Genomics, Principe Felipe Research Centre (CIPF), Valencia
Guillermo Antiñolo
1 Andalusian Human Genome Sequencing Centre (CASEGH), Medical Genome Project (MGP), Sevilla
2 Unidad de gestión clínica de genética, reproducción y medicina fetal. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBIS), Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío-CSIC-University of Seville, Sevilla
Joaquín Dopazo
Andalusian Human Genome Sequencing Centre (CASEGH), Medical Genome Project (MGP), Sevilla1
2 Institute of Computational Genomics, Principe Felipe Research Centre (CIPF), Valencia
Javier Santoyo
1 Andalusian Human Genome Sequencing Centre (CASEGH), Medical Genome Project (MGP), Sevilla
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