

The key task of COST Action BM1006, SeqAhead, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data Analysis Network, was, as its name suggests, networking; but SeqAhead also emphasised the dissemination of knowledge. During the four years of the Action, SeqAhead surpassed every expectation: with members participating from 29 European countries, plus one international partner from South Africa, the Management Committee membership reads like a “who’s-who” of European NGS research.

This EMBnet.journal Conference Supplement clearly shows that during the four years of SeqAhead’s existence, the Action members actively shared software and experiences, and collaborated in numerous projects spanning diverse topics – from those at the biological end of the spectrum to those at the informatics end.

SeqAhead was acknowledged in more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, demonstrating that the Action’s activities benefited a large and wide audience.

EMBnet.journal Editorial Board


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