
Issue Title
Vol 29 Ds-Seq: an integrated pipeline for in silico small RNA sequence analysis for host-pathogen interaction studies Abstract  HTML  PDF
Temitayo Adebanji Olagunju, Angela Uche Makolo, Andreas Gisel
Vol 19: Supplement A Next-masigpro: Dealing with RNA-seq time series Abstract  PDF
Ana Conesa, María José Nueda
Vol 17: Supplement B A combinatorial and integrated method to analyse RNA-seq reads Abstract  PDF
Nicolas Philippe, Mikael Salson, Therese Commes, Eric Rivals
Vol 21 CexoR: an R/Bioconductor package to uncover high-resolution protein-DNA interactions in ChIP-exo replicates Abstract  HTML  PDF
Pedro Madrigal
Vol 19: Supplement A Comparison of variant calling methods in exome sequencing of matched tumor-normal sample pairs Abstract  PDF
Sara Monzon, Javier Alonso, Gonzalo Gómez, David Gonzalez-Pisano, Isabel Cuesta
Vol 19, No 1 ICT needs and challenges for Big Data in the Life Sciences. A workshop report - SeqAhead/ISBE Workshop in Pula, Sardinia, Italy, 6 June 2013 Abstract  HTML  PDF
Babette Regierer, Luca Pireddu, Martijn Moné, Andreas Gisel
Vol 17, No 1: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis e-RGA: enhanced Reference Guided Assembly of Complex Genomes Abstract  HTML  PDF
Francesco Vezzi, Federica Cattonaro, Alberto Policriti
Vol 20 Fq_delta - Efficient storage of processed versions of fastq files Abstract  HTML  PDF
Andra Veraart, Henk-Jan van den Ham, Maarten A. Bijl, Arno C. Andeweg, Anita C. Schürch
Vol 19: Supplement A Error profiles for Next Generation sequencing technologies Abstract  PDF
Melanie Schirmer, Linda D'Amore, Neil Hall, Christopher Quince
Vol 19: Supplement A High-throughput DNA analysis Abstract  PDF
Ivo Gut
Vol 17, No 1: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis SEQscoring: a tool to facilitate the interpretation of data generated with next generation sequencing technologies Abstract  HTML  PDF
Katarina Truvé, Oscar Eriksson, Martin Norling, Maria Wilbe, Evan Mauceli, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Vol 18: Supplement A Analysis workflow for the identification allelic variants associated with rare disorders using whole genome sequencing approach Abstract  PDF
V Maselli, D Cittaro, E Stupka
Vol 20: Supplement A NGS data management and analysis for hundreds of projects: Experiences from Sweden Abstract  HTML  PDF
Ola Spjuth
Vol 17, No 1: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis SEQAHEAD - COST Action BM1006: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Network Abstract  HTML  PDF
Teresa Attwood, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Andreas Gisel
Vol 17: Supplement B Bioinformatics developments for NGS data analysis at PRABI Abstract  PDF
Franck Picard, Guy Perrière
Vol 17: Supplement B The Norwegian Sequencing Centre (NSC) Abstract  PDF
Robert Lyle, Tim Hughes, Dag Undlien, Kjetill Jakobsen
Vol 17, No 1: Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Cutadapt removes adapter sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads Abstract  HTML  PDF
Marcel Martin
Vol 19: Supplement A Viral Metagenomics – New applications for the broad-range detection of viromes in veterinary and public health settings Abstract  PDF
Oskar Erik Karlsson, Martin Norling, Fredrik Granberg, Sándor Belák, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Vol 17: Supplement B RSAT peak-motifs: fast extraction of transcription factor binding motifs from full-size ChIP-seq datasets Abstract  PDF
Morgane Thomas-Chollier, Matthieu Defrance, Olivier Sand, Carl Herrmann, Denis Thieffry, Jacques van Helden
Vol 19: Supplement A Automated finished microbial genomes and epigenomes to understand infectious diseases Abstract  PDF
Ralph Vogelsang
Vol 17: Supplement B The Vital-IT HPC and the Swiss-Prot group Abstract  PDF
Laurent Falquet
Vol 30 Urban Pigeons as Reservoirs of Critical Pathogens: Improved protocol for sequencing pigeon faeces in disease monitoring Abstract  HTML  PDF
Elin Hermann, Renaud Van Damme, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Leila Nasirzadeh
Vol 19, No 1 EMBnet, the Global Bioinformatics Network, in 2013: A Silver Anniversary Abstract  HTML  PDF
Teresa K Attwood
Vol 19, No 1 2013 Annual General Meeting: Executive Board Report Abstract  HTML  PDF
Teresa K Attwood, Andreas Gisel, Etienne de Villiers, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Goran Neshich
Vol 17: Supplement B Exploration of environmental metagenomes and metatranscriptomes: current possibilities and limitations in data analysis Abstract  PDF
Petr Baldrian
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