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Issue Title
Vol 16, No 1 Training Mexican scientists and students on MRS/EMBOSS: A course report Abstract   HTML   PDF Print   PDF Screen
George Vasilios Magklaras, Romualdo Zayas
Vol 24 Training workshop on Mycobacterium whole genome sequence data analysis Abstract   HTML   PDF
Yonas Kassahun Hirutu, Mesert D Bayeleygne, Adey F Desta, Tewodros Tariku, Markos Abebe
Vol 18: Supplement A Translation of a Robust, Biology-Driven, Prognostic Classifier of Cancer Patients' Outcome into Clinically Relevant Rules Abstract   PDF
D Cangelosi, M Muselli, F Blengio, R Versteeg, A Eggert, A Schramm, A Garaventa, C Gambini, L Varesio
Vol 19: Supplement A Translational systems biology understanding the limits of animal models as predictors of human biology Abstract   PDF
Carine Poussin, Leonidas Alexopoulos, Vincenzo Belcastro, Erhan Bilal, Carole Mathis, Pablo Meyer, Raquel Norel, Jeremy J Rice, Gustavo Stolovitzky, Julia Hoeng, Manuel Peitsch
Vol 18: Supplement A Truncated SVD best rank choice through ROC curves for genomic annotation prediction Abstract   PDF
D Chicco, M Masseroli
Vol 17, No 2 UCT and CPGR join forces with international Pharmacogenomics initiative focussing on African diseases Abstract   HTML   PDF
Reinhard Hiller, Raj Ramesar
Vol 19: Supplement A Understanding biology of potato- virus PVY interaction Abstract   PDF
Kristina Gruden
Vol 17: Supplement B UPPNEX - A solution for Next Generation Sequencing data management and analysis Abstract   PDF
Samuel Lampa, Jonas Hagberg, Ola Spjuth
Vol 18: Supplement A Use of BioBlender for all atom morphing of protein structures Abstract   PDF
MF Zini, Y Porozov, T Loni, R Andrei, M Zoppè
Vol 18, No 1 Using ARC based grids for NGS read mapping - Grid interface for BWA Abstract   HTML   PDF
Kimmo Mattila
Vol 18: Supplement B Using graph theory to analyze gene network coherence Abstract   PDF
Francisco Gómez-Vela, Norberto Díaz-Díaz, José A Lagares, José A Sánchez, Jesús S Aguilar-Ruiz
Vol 21: Supplement A Using neural networks to filter predicted errors in NGS data Abstract   PDF
Milko Krachunov, Ognyan Kulev, Maria Nisheva, Valeria Simeonova, Deyan Peychev, Dimitar Vassilev
Vol 20: Supplement A Using NGS to answer biological questions Abstract   HTML   PDF
Björn Usadel
Vol 17, No 2 Using the Grid to run population dynamics simulations Abstract   HTML   PDF
Jose R Valverde
Vol 26: Special issue to Biostatistics and Mathematical Modelling in Bioinformatics Validation of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire-Long Version II (COPSOQ II) in Greek employees Abstract   HTML   PDF
Eleni Zigkiri, Maria Charalampopoulou, Anastasia Kokka, Flora Bacopoulou, Christina Darviri, George P. Chrousos
Vol 26: Special issue to Biostatistics and Mathematical Modelling in Bioinformatics Validation of the Cosmetic Procedure Screening (COPS) Questionnaire in the Greek language Abstract   HTML   PDF
Athina Kallianta, Flora Bacopoulou, Dimitrios Vlachakis, Ioulia Kokka, George P. Chrousos, Christina Darviri
Vol 28 Validation of the Eating Habits Questionnaire in Greek adults Abstract   HTML   PDF
Georgia Bali, Ioulia Kokka, Fragiskos Gonidakis, Eleni Papakonstantinou, Dimitrios Vlachakis, George P. Chrousos, Christina Kanaka-Gantenbein, Flora Bacopoulou
Vol 28 Validation of the Greek Version of Social Appearance Anxiety Scale in Adolescents and Young Adults Abstract   HTML   PDF
Triada Konstantina Papapanou, Flora Bacopoulou, Maria Michou, Christina Kanaka-Gantenbein, Dimitrios Vlachakis, George P. Chrousos, Christina Darviri
Vol 26: Special issue to Biostatistics and Mathematical Modelling in Bioinformatics Validation of the Greek version of the Adolescent Sleep Hygiene Scale (ASHS) Abstract   HTML   PDF
Vasiliki Efthymiou, Dimitra Kotsikogianni, Artemis K. Tsitsika, Dimitrios Vlachakis, George P. Chrousos, Evangelia Charmandari, Flora Bacopoulou
Vol 26: Special issue to Biostatistics and Mathematical Modelling in Bioinformatics Validation of the Greek version of the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale in Undergraduate Students Abstract   HTML   PDF
Anastasios Dadiotis, Flora Bacopoulou, Ioulia Kokka, Dimitrios Vlachakis, George P. Chrousos, Christina Darviri, Petros Roussos
Vol 26: Special issue to Biostatistics and Mathematical Modelling in Bioinformatics Validation of the Greek version of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire - Short Form (PIUQ-SF-6) Abstract   HTML   PDF
Panagoula Aivali, Vasiliki Efthymiou, Artemis K. Tsitsika, Dimitrios Vlachakis, George P. Chrousos, Christina Kanaka‑Gantenbein, Flora Bacopoulou
Vol 26: Special issue to Biostatistics and Mathematical Modelling in Bioinformatics Validation of the Instagram Addiction Scale in Greek Youth Abstract   HTML   PDF
Maria Zarenti, Flora Bacopoulou, Maria Michou, Ioulia Kokka, Dimitrios Vlachakis, George P. Chrousos, Christina Darviri
Vol 19: Supplement A Viral Metagenomics – New applications for the broad-range detection of viromes in veterinary and public health settings Abstract   PDF
Oskar Erik Karlsson, Martin Norling, Fredrik Granberg, Sándor Belák, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Vol 18: Supplement A VIRES: visualization and identification of A-to-I RNA editing sites in genomic sequences Abstract   PDF
R Distefano, G Nigita, V Macca, R Giugno, A Pulvirenti, A Ferro
Vol 18: Supplement A Whole genome sequencing, assembly and annotation of Halomonas smyrnensis, a levan producing halophilic bacterium Abstract   PDF
E Sogutcu, Z Emrence, M Arikan, A Cakiris, N Abaci, E Toksoy Oner, D Ustek, KY Arga
576 - 600 of 600 Items << < 19 20 21 22 23 24