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Issue Title
Vol 18: Supplement A Analysis of molecular recognition features in membrane proteins Abstract   PDF
I Kotta-Loizou, GN Tsaousis, SJ Hamodrakas
Vol 19: Supplement A Analysis pipeline for the detection of mutations causative of rare diseases on whole exome sequencing data Abstract   PDF
Antonio Rueda, Francisco Javier López, Javier Pérez, Pablo Arce, Luis Miguel Cruz, José Carbonell, Jorge Jiménez-Almazán, Enrique Vidal, Guillermo Antiñolo, Joaquín Dopazo, Javier Santoyo
Vol 18: Supplement A Analysis workflow for the identification allelic variants associated with rare disorders using whole genome sequencing approach Abstract   PDF
V Maselli, D Cittaro, E Stupka
Vol 20: Supplement A Analyzing RNA-Seq data with RNASeqGUI Abstract   HTML   PDF
Claudia Angelini, Francesco Russo
Vol 18: Supplement A AnnotateGenomicRegions: a Web application Abstract   PDF
L Zammataro, G Bucci, H Muller
Vol 18: Supplement B AnnotateGenomicRegions: a web application Abstract   PDF
Heiko Muller, Luca Zammataro, Gabriele Bucci
Vol 18: Supplement B Answering Gene Ontology terms to proteomics questions by supervised macro reading in Medline Abstract   PDF
Julien Gobeill, Emilie Pasche, Douglas Teodoro, Anne-Lise Veuthey, Patrick Ruch
Vol 18: Supplement A Application of computational methods for structural and functional characterization of mutants of GALT enzyme Abstract   PDF
A Marabotti, A Facchiano, L Milanesi, M Tang, K Lai
Vol 19: Supplement A Application of whole genome resequencing in the dissection of QTLs affecting boar taint Abstract   PDF
Rahul Agarwal, Maren Van Son, Matthew Peter Kent, Sigbjørn Lien, Eli Grindflek
Vol 18: Supplement B Applications of a generic model of genomic variations functional analysis Abstract   PDF
Sarah Mapelli, Uberto Pozzoli
Vol 18: Supplement A Assessment of structure-based functional annotation methods on protein 3D models Abstract   PDF
I Mangone, M Helmer-Citterich, G Ausiello
Vol 19: Supplement A Automated and traceable processing for large-scale high-throughput sequencing facilities Abstract   PDF
Luca Pireddu, Gianmauro Cuccuru, Luca Lianas, Matteo Vocale, Giorgio Fotia, Gianluigi Zanetti
Vol 19: Supplement A Automated finished microbial genomes and epigenomes to understand infectious diseases Abstract   PDF
Ralph Vogelsang
Vol 19: Supplement A Automated transcription start site prediction for comparative Transcriptomics using the SuperGenome Abstract   PDF
Alexander Herbig, Cynthia Sharma, Kay Nieselt
Vol 19, No 1 ‘Next NGS Challenge – Data Processing and Integration’ Conference – Conference report. Abstract   HTML   PDF
Ana Conesa, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Vol 17: Supplement B bcbio-nextgen: Automated, distributed next-gen sequencing pipeline Abstract   PDF
Roman Valls Guimera
Vol 26: Supplement A Benefits of a grape-rich diet on human health: a nutrigenomics study underlining the potential role of non-coding RNAs Details   HTML   PDF   VIDEO
Rosa Anna Milella, Marica Gasparro, Fiammetta Alagna, Maria Francesca Cardone, Silvia Rotunno, Concetta Tiziana Ammollo, Fabrizio Semeraro, Apollonia Tullo, Flaviana Marzano, Domenico Catalano, Mario Colucci, Domenica D'Elia
Vol 26: Supplement A Big Data analytics for knowledge transfer among organisms while reconstructing Gene Regulatory Networks Details   HTML   PDF   VIDEO
Paolo Mignone, Gianvito Pio, Domenica D'Elia, Michelangelo Ceci
Vol 21: Supplement A Biobanking for the future, how to prepare for the next generation of Next Generation Sequencing Abstract   HTML   PDF
Tomas Klingström
Vol 21: Supplement A Biobanks and future emerging technologies: new approaches, new pre-analytical challenges Abstract   HTML   PDF
Eva Ortega-Paino, Tomas Klingström, Johanna Ekström
Vol 19: Supplement B Bio-GraphIIn: a graph-based, integrative and semantically-enabled repository for life science experimental data Abstract   HTML   PDF
Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Eamonn Maguire, Pavlos Georgiou, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Philippe Rocca-Serra
Vol 23 Bioinformatics activities at the University Hospital San Martino IST in Genoa Abstract   HTML   PDF
Paolo DM Romano
Vol 20 Bioinformatics Algorithms Abstract   HTML   PDF
Jose R Valverde
Vol 18: Supplement B Bioinformatics approach for data management about bone cells grown on substitute materials Abstract   PDF
Federica Viti, Ivan Merelli, Silvia Scaglione, Luciano Milanesi
Vol 17: Supplement B Bioinformatics developments for NGS data analysis at PRABI Abstract   PDF
Franck Picard, Guy Perrière
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